Show update: New show, who dis?
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New Show, who dis?
Hi everyone MCS1 here. Long time no talk. I feel like I owe everyone an explanation as to where I’ve been and have been up to. I know many of you have so many questions and I totally get that. I intend to answer some of those questions today and let you all know exactly what the hell has been going on.
First of all I just want to say thank you to all of you. It’s been a fun journey and I’m proud to announce that it’s not over. I have so much to say and do and I’m happy to let you be a part of that. I have been quite busy since my last show and I’m excited to finally share some of those things with all of you.
So many of you are wondering and have asked “what the hell happened to the show?” And “where’d you go?” I told Caleb I was going uptown to get some cigarettes and then I just never came back… okay that’s a lie.
It’s been a little over a year since I’ve released and episode and nearly a year and a half since I recorded one. My goal was to release 2 episodes a week and have all these crazy social media posts and marketing campaigns. In short, I got overwhelmed. There was so much that I thought was expected of me or that I just expected of myself. I kept comparing myself to other podcasters and clients I’ve had and their success. I kept aiming to be a mega podcaster on the front page of iTunes and google play. I didn’t realize at the time that I was more a nano influencer that had a small and very loyal following.
I kept trying to turn the show into a business and make it a full time job without much of a plan other than sell shirts. Although many shirts were sold I still couldn’t financially justify the show being a business. Even though I kept thinking of having the show monetized I still was an idiot about it. People offered to donate money to the show to keep it going or have it grow. I turned it down. I always wanted to have a direct model where I felt like someone got something else out of the show rather than the free content that I was offering. This is probably where most people would have opened up a Pateron. However, I am obviously not most people.
Given the scope of what I kept trying to force the show to be rather than accepting it for what it was I became frustrated. I let metrics drive my ambitions and felt shitty even though the numbers I had were quite good. I was striving for quantity instead of quality which is very much unlike me.
At this time in my life I was beginning to get very heavy into minimalism. I began discarding things that didn’t bring me value and didn’t make me happy. This has been an on going this for a while with me and is still continuing. As I discarded things from my life I no longer needed it was clear that the show in its current state was not bringing me happiness. I decided it was time to cut the cord. Honestly, I did not intend on returning.
My current life needed some massive restructuring. I took measures to improve my current situation. As many of you know living in Utah really fucked me up. What many of you don’t know is how badly it fucked me up. It messed me up financially, emotionally , mentally and physically. All around my biggest regret in life is going to where I went to finish undergrad. I racked up tons of debt, didn’t learn shit, let myself go physically, and was emotionally and mentally abused by the narcissistic assholes of happy valley. This ain’t meant to be a story. It’s not meant to have you feel sorry for me. In the end I chose to go to that barely accredited f grade school, stress eat, & not stand up for myself nearly as much as I could have. Although, I did stand up for myself a lot. This is simply to provide context.
A year ago I was recovering from the scars of happy valley. I knew no one was going to save me. No one person was going to fix all my problems. I had the help of many friends but in the end it had to be who would fight my way out of this hole I had dug for myself. I began to workout constantly and kept losing the weight that I gained in Utah. I also took up intermittent fasting and reduced my soda intake. I burnt off 35 pounds. I’m hoping to burn off 35 more.
I began taking some over the counter supplements to adjust my mood and get my anxiety under control. I have low serotonin levels and when I don’t take the my vitamins everyone around me becomes extremely annoying and I feel on edge. I’m doing much better. I’ve also began meditating periodically to help center myself. I also left social media competent minus Reddit. Which I made the front page for a while ago. I’ll report on that another time. Leaving social media reduced my anxiety a shit ton. I’ll be discussing it on future episodes.
My debt from Utah is still a giant pain in my ass. But now it is manageable. I took up some very serious freelance work and paid down a lot of my debt. I still have a ton to go but I am managing. I’m also pleased to announce that the contract work I’m doing is very fulfilling and is super cool. And yes I will he covering it in future episodes.
My day job which I don’t mention on the podcast is also going well. Not much I’m going to report there except it is low drama and because of that I have energy to focus on other things outside of that job.
I got super into minimalism and started a blog called minimizing bull shit. It can be found at I’ll be doing show topics on it as well as bringing that sites content to minimizing bullshit is about using minimalism to solve everyday problems and reduce stress. I have tons to share about this but that will be coming soon.
The podcast itself will be returning and yes, Caleb is 100% on board. I intend to also be doing some solo shows and guest interviews with some people who are doing some fascinating things. I’m also going to be discussing my projects of which there are many in the works. I got some new shirt designs I intend to launch. Plus my contract work projects that I’ve been working on these past years are super huge and I can’t wait to tell you about those as well.
Lately the biggest bombshells of projects that I’ve been working on. Currently I am writing 3 books at the same time. All autobiographies about different aspects of my life. I’ve kept these a bit under wraps but I’m ready to Divulge details about one book which I may have mentioned before called “working with idiots” which will be my work horror stories and all the crazy shit I’ve been through in the work force. From shitty marketing firms, to crashing tech companies and chapter 11 bankruptcy this book will have some amazing stories that will make you great full for your job and I can’t wait to share it with you.
The other two books will be revealed in time. I will say that they are both extremely connected to my past 2 years of my life since leaving Utah where I had some insane life changes and realizations. I refer to this period of my life as “the awakening” & these two books will be very closely connected to that.
Lastly, I want to thank you for listening to me and putting up with my bullshit. I’m not perfect and to be honest I think that’s why people listen to me. I try to do what I feel is right and not screw people over. I want to create quality entertainment that people will enjoy. And if people don’t enjoy it, then they can listen to something else. My show isn’t for everyone and that’s what makes it so unique. The MCS1 Show may be gone, but from its grave The Cult of MCS1 is born.